pleasure or pain...
Q: There is more pleasure in dhyana than in sensual enjoyments. Yet the mind runs after the latter and does not seek the former. Why is it so?
A: Pleasure or pain are aspects of the mind only. Our essential nature is happiness. But we have forgotten the Self and imagins that the body or the mind is the Self. It is that wrong identity that gives rise to misery. What is to be done? This mental tendency is very ancient and has continued for innumerable past births. Hence it has grown strong. That must go before the essential nature, happiness, asserts itself.
Be as you are
The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
a Penguin Book

A: Pleasure or pain are aspects of the mind only. Our essential nature is happiness. But we have forgotten the Self and imagins that the body or the mind is the Self. It is that wrong identity that gives rise to misery. What is to be done? This mental tendency is very ancient and has continued for innumerable past births. Hence it has grown strong. That must go before the essential nature, happiness, asserts itself.
Be as you are
The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
a Penguin Book

Belleeer - 13. Mär, 17:17