Q: I meditate neti-neti (not this - not this).
A: No - that is not meditation. Find the source.
You must reach the source without fail. The
false "I" will disappear and the real "I" will be
realised. The former cannot exist apart from
the latter.
Be as you are
The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
a Penguin Book

A: No - that is not meditation. Find the source.
You must reach the source without fail. The
false "I" will disappear and the real "I" will be
realised. The former cannot exist apart from
the latter.
Be as you are
The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
a Penguin Book

Belleeer - 20. Mär, 21:21
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