between the eyebrows...
O: We are advised to concentrate on the spot in the forehead between the eyebrows. Is this right?
A: Everyone is aware - "I am". Leaving aside that awareness one goes about in search of God. What is the use of fixing one's attention between the eyebrows? It is mere folly to say that God is between the eyebrows. The aim of such advice is to help the mind to concentrate. It is one of the forcibly directed into one channel. It is help to concentration. But the best means of realisation is the enquiry "Who am I?" The present trouble is to the mind and it must be removed by the mind only.
Be as you are
The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
a Penguin Book

A: Everyone is aware - "I am". Leaving aside that awareness one goes about in search of God. What is the use of fixing one's attention between the eyebrows? It is mere folly to say that God is between the eyebrows. The aim of such advice is to help the mind to concentrate. It is one of the forcibly directed into one channel. It is help to concentration. But the best means of realisation is the enquiry "Who am I?" The present trouble is to the mind and it must be removed by the mind only.
Be as you are
The teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi
edited by David Godman
a Penguin Book

Belleeer - 7. Apr, 15:15